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Want to make a change but don't seem to be able to?

Do you talk about doing something new but never manage to succeed in doing anything about it? Do really want to change or are you simply overwhelmed with the size of the task?

Spend time thinking about the thing you want to change - your job, for example. You’ve not been happy for a while, it’s wearing you down, you’re living for the weekends, you can’t see anything positive about it....

Perhaps the idea of the change is too big. Break it down.

  • Do you really want it - How would you feel if you were in the same job in 12 months time? What would your life look like? This is a really good marker for examining if you are serious about making a change.

  • What is stopping you? Note down everything. What are your excuses? ‘I don’t know what else I would do’, ‘I can’t afford to re-train’, ‘Maybe it’ll get better’, ‘I don’t like change’, ‘Everyone here knows me’, ‘It would be so hard to start from scratch’, ‘The company has been so good to me’, ‘I don’t know where to start with my CV’. Be honest with yourself.

  • Prioritise the excuses - score each one 1-10 (1 being minimal, 10 being the biggest) as to how much you think about each excuse. How true are these excuses? Is it fact or is it a feeling / emotion?

  • Take action - Next to each excuse, write down three positive actions you could take to diminish the excuse. For example ‘I don’t know what else I would do - 1) write down all the things I love about my job and the things I dislike, 2) speak to a career coach, 3) research jobs in the area’.

  • Make a plan - now you have a comprehensive list of positive actions that form a plan. Tell people you trust, what you’re doing. Be made accountable! Telling people makes us more likely to stick to our goals!

Sometimes we put barriers in our own way simply by creating such a huge story. These small steps help the change seem more manageable and if, at the end of this, you find you’re happy with where you are now, it’s win win.

You can apply these steps to most changes - career, relationships, well-being, home life. The important thing is to be honest with yourself.

Gemma Brown Coaching, Cambridge
Gemma Brown Coaching

Gemma Brown is a certified coach working with people to navigate successfully through transitions - be it career, relationships or life in general. Her belief is that when we confidently bring our whole selves to all areas of life, anything is possible. Transitions exist in both our personal and business life, and so often, the two fiercely overlap. Coaching with Gemma focuses on you as a whole, enabling you to identify your strengths, build confidence and to live a life with increased purpose and direction. Gemma is based in Cambridgeshire and carries out face to face coaching in the area as well as 1-2-1 coaching via Skype and Zoom. For more about Gemma, visit her 'About' page or contact her directly.

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