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5 tips to incorporate a regular reflection practice
Reflecting as a leader has multiple personal and professional benefits. Here's 5 tips to get you started with your reflection practice.
An intro to 1-2-1 coaching
Coaching is often described as a ‘safe space’ to explore your own thinking. Here, I explain how I work with 1-2-1 coaching clients.
Transitioning with the seasons
Spring time offers a great reminder that we, too, can transition and renew. What small changes do you want to make to help you reset?
Is procrastination keeping you stuck?
Nir Eyal says ‘Procrastination is the avoidance of pain’. What pain or discomfort are you trying to avoid with your delaying habits?
Too busy to reflect? Here's why you need to carve the time out.
We dismiss time to reflect as a luxury, prioritising doing more and working harder over thinking. Perhaps we've got our priorities wrong...
New Year, New You? I think not.
New Year, New You? What about New Year, More You? For 2022, I invite you on a journey of self discovery...
Eat those frogs and avoid procrastination
The frog is the thing that you’re currently putting off. It’s the thing at the back of your mind that keeps hounding you.
Developing high performing teams
Use this model to identify where you see your team sits, and work out what needs attention so that you can all perform better together.
Authenticity - time to remove the mask?
Being authentic at work is not a new phenomenon, but more than ever, it is needed throughout organisations in order to lead with integrity.
Why getting your needs met is not selfish
Prioritising your needs can feel selfish or arrogant. See how when you prioritise your needs, you're better for all those around you too.
Navigating the 5 stages of change
We go through many changes in life, whether you’re considering a career change, facing new relationships, or difficult choices.
A model for your reflective practice
Taking time to reflect periodically enables you to pause, take stock, recall and understand. Here's a simple model to help you reflect.
8 ways to practice a more positive mindset
Do you feel like you need a boost of positivity in life? Here are 8 simple practices to introduce when you need a dose of optimism.
What have you learnt about yourself?
The last 18 months have undoubtedly changed and shaped us. What have you learnt about yourself? Join me to reflect, reconnect and reset.
Mastering self-compassion
Being kind and loving towards ourselves should be the easiest thing. Knowing what stands in our way can be the first step in move forward.
Taking the learnings from new situations
Experiencing a shift in your environment can be unsettling. Even if it a change that you sought out. Maintain an open mind and stay curious.
5 ways to tune into your intuition
Do you find it hard to tune in to your intuition? Here are 5 ways to help you listen to those feelings and act more authentically.
A story of change
Feeling lost and lacking confidence after being made redundant, Sarah prioritised her needs to build confidence and secure her 'dream job'.
The first step to aligning your passion and your purpose
We hear “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” But where do you start looking for this perfect job?
New beginnings - are you transitioning?
Spring is a welcome reminder that we have the chance to start afresh or to change up something familiar to make it new again.
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