Each month I host a free 'Journaling for well-being' workshop. It's 30 minutes of support and inspiration for your journaling practice. We focus on two techniques:
1 - Wild writing, a free-style journaling method.
2 - Utilising guided prompts around a particular theme.
The theme for the session was 'reflecting on the year'.
The end of year is a great time to reflect and pause. At this time we can capture the learnings of the last 12 months and be prepare for the new year to come. So much will have happened in 12 months. Often it can pass us by. Take stock to consider your year, your trials and triumphs.
I love this note from 'Soul Waves': time to reflect by Nikki Banas
"Take time to reflect. Take time to look back on how far you have come and how much you have grown. I mean it, my beautiful friend, when was the last time you really, really took a moment to celebrate just how far you've come?
Every now and again, take a break from charging forward to pause and be proud of all of the progress you have made. And when you finish something big, really, truly take the time to celebrate the big thing you just completed. Whatever it is. Whether or not it is big to others. If it is big to you, celebrate it. Too often, we charge right into the next thing without absorbing and reflecting on what we just finished. Sometimes we climb up an entire moutain, spending months or years on the climb, only to get to the top and quickly see and plan the next one we hope to climb, which is perfectly human... But what we don't always realize is that a lot of growth happens when we take the time to absorb all that we did. So take the time to reflect on the lessons you learned and the strength you gained throughout your trials. Take the time to realize your growth. Let it sink in. Absorb it. Let yourself be proud. Let yourself celebrate. There will always be another mountain to climb, but before you pack up and go, make sure you celebrate this one."
Take a moment to reflect on these journaling prompts.
What three words best summarise your year?
Describe your most treasured moment from 2023.
What challenges have you overcome?
What do you know now that you didn’t know this time last year?
Consider the last 12 months, what are you most grateful for?
What are you most proud of yourself for?
What personal success or achievement can you celebrate?
Taking this time to reflect, what have you learnt that will help you in 2024?
What one word will you be taking into 2024?
I hope to see you next year for more journaling in 2024. If you have chance, I would so love your feedback on these workshops and what you’d like to see more of next year.

Finally, look out on my social channels for something exciting being announced later this month which will help you get your new year off to a calm and peaceful start…..
Happy holidays. Wishing you a nourishing rest!