creating an environment for your people to thrive
for employers
Employees who are supported and developed, engaged and motivated, not only stay longer, they progress faster, perform better, inspire others and become role models for future leaders. They excel, which ultimately means your business will too.
Career coaching supports and accelerates your people, whatever stage of their career they are at. From on-boarding to that first promotion; from joining a team, to managing a team; from leading a team to leading the company.
​Celebrating the highs and supporting through the lows, a responsible, values-driven employer recognises that its people are its most valuable asset. People at all levels, occasionally need support to get back on top - whether that's help with building confidence, managing conflict, improving relationships, overcoming obstacles or building resilience and balance.
Investment in your people will ensure their success and happiness, not only for the individual but for the future success of your business.
To find out more about 1-2-1 or group coaching, click below.
confidently lead
a programme for those transitioning into management
It is widely reported that 60% of first time managers fail in their first year. Skilled professionals are often promoted to manage others as a result of the individual success they have demonstrated. Support during this important transition regularly falls through the gaps, in place of technical and practical training.
Build support during this crucial transition and avoid results such as; the inability to manage others effectively, poor individual and team performance, doubts in confidence, poor decision making, the inability to delegate and increased stress levels along with the possibility of burnout - subsequently having a human and financial cost to the business.
This programme enables new managers to work out who they are and how to conduct themselves confidently and authentically in order to create a positive team culture and effective leadership style. It allows those new to managing set intentions around their style, consider how to get the best out of themselves and their team, and avoid the common traps new managers so often fall into.